Be Discipled

What is discipleship?
Discipleship is an intentional relationship in which one person helps others become a lifelong, obedient, and reproducing follower of Jesus.
Before ascending to heaven, Jesus gave us one final command:
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:19-20
When we read the Bible, it’s clear to see that Jesus valued discipleship. Though He preached to the masses, the majority of his time was spent with 12 of his closest friends: his disciples. Through life-on-life relationship and continually pointing them towards truth, Jesus taught these everyday men the ways of the Kingdom of God. And in turn, their lifelong obedience to the commands of Jesus resulted in the explosive spreading of the gospel and the church being built into what it is today.
At Antioch, we believe that Discipleship really can change the world. Through intentionally investing in the lives of a few, we can follow the model of Jesus and fulfill his great commission! And the good news is that anyone can do it! Because discipleship is all about becoming more like Jesus, all we are need is the Holy Spirit and a willingness to say “yes” to God.
Our way of achieving this together is to "Look Up, Look In, and Look Out". We take time to slow ourselves, look up to God, and know Him for who He is. We look in, taking account of our hearts, minds, and spirits. Finally, we take all that we learn and grow into, and we look out to those we share our city with, work with, and spend our lives with.
Discipleship Resources
Want to be discipled?
At Antioch, discipleship often happens within the context of Lifegroup. If you are already a part of one, ask your Lifegroup leader to help connect you with someone to start discipling you!
If you aren’t yet connected to a Lifegroup but would like to be discipled, fill out the form below and someone from our staff will get in touch with you!