Nations Baton Rouge

We believe that God can impact the nations of the Earth through the nations represented in our city.
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What We Do

Reach out to international communities:
By sharing the gospel, facilitating local outreaches, meeting practical needs

Help Americans become family to internationals:
Americans hosting dinners in homes, having coffee together, and building relationships

Help internationals connect to Jesus and the church:
Lifegroup, discipleship, church-wide events

Send internationals + Americans to the world:
Short-term missions trips and church plants
Partner with us
Attend corporate prayer time, prayer walk, carry the ministry in your personal prayers.

Evangelists, go to LSU campus or apartment complex to share the Gospel, connections back to the church.

Hosting dinners or parties at your home, become family to internationals, communal activities, event planning, relational investment.

Disciple others or be discipled, start by going to coffee or having lunch with one another and asking intentional questions, internationals and Americans in discipleship groups.

To support NBR and provide funds for the team and help meet practical needs for internationals in our community

Get started now!
Meet our Nations BR Director

Hi! My name is Bethany and I love serving and meeting with internationals in our church. I'd love to grab coffee with you or share how you can get connected here at Antioch. Feel free to send me an email.
Follow us on instagram!
Connect with Nations BR
Are you an international student (or non-student) or someone who would like to volunteer with Nations Baton Rouge? We would love to get in touch. Please fill out the form below!
We’d love to be a part of your journey with God.
A Passion for Jesus and his Purposes in The Earth.
A Passion for Jesus and his Purposes in The Earth.
A Passion for Jesus and his Purposes in The Earth.
A Passion for Jesus and his Purposes in The Earth.
A Passion for Jesus and his Purposes in The Earth.
A Passion for Jesus and his Purposes in The Earth.
A Passion for Jesus and his Purposes in The Earth.
A Passion for Jesus and his Purposes in The Earth.
A Passion for Jesus and his Purposes in The Earth.
A Passion for Jesus and his Purposes in The Earth.
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